
Klaus Verschuere

Technical Leader Ecodesign

Compliance & Certifications

Klaus Verschuere is responsible for Cisco's engagement in EU, international sustainability, and circular economy programs. He’s driving energy efficiency, eco-design and circular economy standards within ITU, CENELEC and ETSI, where he’s also leading the development of ETSI/ITU standards on energy efficiency and data deletion for servers under the EU Regulation 2019/424. Klaus helps with the EU advocacy & policy work on eco-design and circular economy regulations. He contributes on topics such as the ESPR and the Digital Product Passport within trade associations like Amcham EU, TechUK, Agoria, ITI/Green Grid and Digital Europe. He has been chairman of the ecodesign workgroup for several terms. In this role he collaborates on energy efficiency, material requirements and product carbon footprint with many Cisco business functions to help drive eco-design product compliance, sustainability programs with long-term value and Cisco’s net-zero engineering efforts. Klaus has a degree in Business Administration and a Master in Computer Science. Klaus adores jazz and rock music. He plays guitar and piano, and learns cello nowadays. He runs 10 to 12 kms twice a week.


February 26, 2024


Sustainability 101: What are ecolabels?

5 min read

Many companies want to show how they are making their products more sustainable. That’s where ecolabels come in.